Unlocking the Meaning of Enlightenment: TAW’s (Theory of an Advanced World) Insights

awakenedmind brainevolution brainrewiring buddha howtochangemindset limitingbeliefs selfdiscovery unconsciousblock Mar 21, 2023
A pink lotus bud with the back ground filled with lotus leaves looking serene and pure


An awakening state of mind is a result of the brain function when it gains a higher vantage point of view as the creator of one’s reality


Before I started studying TAW, one of my beliefs was that "Buddha was a special being, so he got himself enlightened. I used to add many meanings to the character as an enlightened being, such as: someone who is full of wisdom, always calm or euphoric, meditates all the time, does not see anything as a problem, thus never gets upset or feels down, always fulfilled and content, etc. All these elements about the Buddha were what I wished to have and experience, my projection. They emerged out of my imagination and desires, which means it was my fantasized version of who I wanted the Buddha to represent.  


Approximately 2600 yeas after Buddha’s death, many autobiographies about Buddha's life have been published, which means many elements of the stories emerged out of authors' imagination and fantasized guesses like all other historical stories of the world.


However, one description about the night when the Buddha got enlightened stuck in my mind for a long time. It says, or more accurately that I interpreted it as if the Buddha was becoming increasingly aware of attaining enlightenment that night. “How could he know that? What do I need to do to get to the same mental state or spiritual revelation? I want to be enlightened so that I get to live my life joyfully and peacefully without any mental agonies."


Because I thought about it for a long time, my brain finally figured out the answer to fulfill my curiosity. My version of the explanation for why the Buddha knew he was going to attain enlightenment on that particular night was because he elevated his state of mind to a place where he was able to see his world from a different angle.


This was not a sudden, magical occurrence. After seven years of seeking knowledge on how to eliminate suffering from the world, his brain had developed to a point where he understood that he was birthing and manifesting the very result that he had pursued. An enlightened state of mind is not something that can be obtained through mere desire, hope, or luck, but rather it is an experiential understanding. When we elevate our state of mind to this level of awareness, we begin to see the world from a different angle, and our perception of the outside world /our reality changes.



This is where Theory of an Advanced World - TAW Knowledge and Fractal Psychology come into play


These theories and tools provide a structured approach to understanding and changing our thought patterns and behaviors, allowing us to develop a deeper level of self-awareness and awaken to our inner potential. By exploring our unconscious beliefs and thought patterns, and restructuring them, we can gain a new perspective on ourselves and the world around us, and unlock our true potential for evolving our brains to be the creator of our own reality. 


Siddhartha Gautama became the first Buddha who understood that the suffering he had wanted to eliminate was inside of him, the people and the world he had wanted to save were inside of him, and all the answers were already inside of him. Everything, everybody, and every cycle of birth and death were all happening simultaneously inside of him. The outside world emerged, rejoiced, or suffered because of him; without his awareness, nothing arose or dissipated, which meant that the outside world was a mere reflection of his internal world.


Therefore, an awakened state of mind is a human experience to perceive one's world in a brand new way, a different angle as being the sole creator of all that is, instead of being dependent on the mercy of destiny which is mental confinement, the very cause of suffering.



Learn the mechanism of perception, projection, and mind to start to see what we would like to see instead of what we are programmed/conditioned to see.


Approximately, 2600 years later in Japan, Ms. Mau Isshiki, the founder of TAW and Fractal Psychology also put herself on a quest of searching for the mechanism of human destiny. She wondered what could differentiate fortunate people who lead their lives peacefully without much struggle from unfortunate people who repeatedly got struck by misfortune although they are decent hard working members of society. She was a single mother raising a little child and working two jobs, so she would cut down her sleep time for her study and research to fulfill her curiosity. She also commuted to a retreat center for over two years to train her mind hoping to attain enlightenment. She dedicated twelve years to developing her brain to the degree where she started to perceive the world from a higher vantage point as the creator of all that is.  


As she landed at the state of mind where she understood that this world was a manifestation of her own thoughts, a profound realization dawned upon her. She realized that attaining an enlightened state of mind was just the first step towards unlocking the infinite potential of the human mind. There were higher tiers of understanding, multiple layers of reality waiting to be discovered, and she was determined to explore them all.


With unwavering focus and a disciplined mind, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, constantly refining her knowledge and rewiring her brain to master the ability to shape her reality as its sole creator. And as she reached new heights or depth of understanding she knew that she had to share this knowledge with others.


Through her teachings, she hoped to ignite a spark within others, to awaken a sense of purpose and fulfillment that had been lying dormant within them. She knew that the path ahead was not an easy one, that it would require discipline, dedication, and consistency to keep challenging and evolving themselves. But she also knew that the rewards would be immeasurable, that the journey towards self-mastery was a journey towards autonomous liberation and true freedom. 


For me, studying Fractal Psychology with trained instructors was a process of my awakening from my emotional roller coaster ride of “poor little me”. It felt like Ms. Mau Isshiki's wisdom was personally guiding me towards a higher level of understanding about who I was.  Now, I view life through a lens that is more rational, balanced, and straightforward. The veil of confusion and self-doubt has been gradually lifted, and I am able to perceive different aspects of life with newfound clarity. The journey towards greater self-awareness and understanding is ongoing, but I am now equipped with proper tools and knowledge to continue on my journey of self-discovery with more confidence and ease.



Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work. 

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