“Are You Allowing Yourself to Live a Happy Life?”

guilt happiness subconscious Sep 12, 2024
Light of authenticity crack open a blue heart emanating a light of love from within

Explore How Unconscious Guilt May Be Blocking Your Path to Joy and Fulfillment

Have you ever wondered if you are truly giving yourself permission to live a happy life?

In my work, I help clients analyze and transform their subconscious minds to align with their deepest desires. Surprisingly, I often meet individuals who are unknowingly denying themselves the right to happiness. Even though they think they have been making effort and doing everything right, they often find that things fall apart just when they are about to succeed. I know because I was one of them that experienced many disappointments and heartaches.

When we dive deeper into the subconscious mind, we often uncover hidden beliefs like:

  •  Resentment or blame towards others (viewing oneself as a victim and making others the villain)
  •  A desire to criticize or attack those who appear happy and seem to have more than you do (jealousy, gossip, or judgment)
  •  Failing to apologize for past wrongdoings or stealing something (others’ possession, time, energy, reputation)
  •  Having desires but lacking the energy or motivation to pursue them

These unresolved feelings gradually build up as unconscious guilt, which is stored in the subconscious level. Guilt is essentially the belief that “I am a bad person.” When someone carries this belief, they subconsciously block their own happiness, sensing the notion, “I don't deserve to be happy.”

Most of the time, this guilt originates in childhood, from experiences like feeling neglected by a parent or acting out in small ways, like bullying a sibling, breaking something in frustration, or emotionally shutting down to punish their parents.

While these may seem like minor events, they accumulate over time, leading to a guilt strong enough to block happiness or feeling successful in life.

The good news is that by identifying and releasing these deep-seated emotions of feeling neglected, abandoned, or resentment, you can access the logical part of your brain, which I refer to as Adult Mind, and begin to give yourself permission to feel more gratitude and fulfillment. Once you do this, you’ll find that your life starts to flow more easily.

Our subconscious plays a pivotal role in determining “how we thrive and lead fulfilling lives” and “the quality of the relationships and family life we create through our contributions.”

Here are three key steps to unlocking your path to happiness:

  •  Understand your subconscious mind: Become aware of the beliefs and emotions hidden beneath the surface.
  •  Cultivate thoughts aligned with your desires: Focus on what you truly want, rather than what you fear and worry about.
  •  Identify and release your blocks to happiness: Acknowledge what’s holding you back and proactively work to let it go.

These steps are the key to reflecting a “radiant future” from within and manifesting the life you desire. And yes, this is well within your reach. By aligning your subconscious, you can begin to create the work, relationships, and abundance that you truly deserve.

Let’s embrace this journey together. Your happiness is not just a possibility—it’s waiting for you to give yourself permission to fully live it.

Thank you for your time reading.



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Train Your Brain Master Course

“Train Your Brain Master Course - Level 1,” will be open for registration in November. 


One-on-one Online Counseling Session

If you're feeling ready to elevate awareness and explore your innate potential by creating a major shift in your perspective and motivating yourself to move in an upward spiral, I extend a warm invitation to take an opportunity for a one-on-one online counseling session.


You can explore testimonials from individuals who have successfully enhanced their ability to choose for themselves and thriving in their lives by clicking HERE. Your personal growth and well-being are within reach – take the initial step toward a brighter future today.


Try A Free Online NeuroDynamic Breathwork Session   

If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend joining one of our online Breathwork sessions. This experience will help you connect with your inner healing potential and Inner Guiding Intelligence (IGI). You can visit https://breathworkonline.com/free/ to sign up for a free online Breathwork session with a 60-minute music set.

Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work. 

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